
The end of a marriage changes families in so many ways. When people move on from their relationships, going their separate ways, navigating life on a new road often leaves more questions than answers. We can help you make a plan for moving forward in the direction that best fits you.

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Child Custody

Deciding how your family will work together to raise your children involves figuring out when and how they will spend time with each party (parent, grandparent, etc.), and making sure you can both meet each child’s needs while living separately. It isn’t easy for anyone, but know that it is possible to raise happy children…

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Child Support

The law in Louisiana says that every parent is responsible for financially supporting their children, whether they live together, or not. Child Support looks different for each family and included day-to-day expenses every child needs, costs of extracurricular activities like sports, and even healthcare costs. Its important to talk with an attorney about your child’s…

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Spousal Support

When two people divorce, one spouse is sometimes left without a way to take care of their expenses on their own. Talk with a family attorney to obtain an understanding of what is required in order for the court to order spousal support in your case. In some instances, the details of a party’s situation…

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Community Property

When the dust settles in a divorce, parties are left with assets and debts that have to be managed and divided as fairly as possible. As they decide to end their relationship, it is important for spouses to remember that the mortgage still has to be paid and the investment and retirement accounts need to…

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Intra Family Adoption

Whether you’re considering the adoption of a family member’s child, or you are a step-parent who would like to become a legal parent, an Intra Family Adoption can be difficult without the right guide to help you through the process. Caring for the child of a family member can be difficult enough. Let an experienced…

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